A Letter to Joyce Bawah Mogtari : You Cannot Bring Down Godfred Dame With Your Propaganda – P.K Sarpong

A Letter to Joyce Bawah Mogtari : You Cannot Bring Down Godfred Dame With Your Propaganda – P.K Sarpong

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Dear Joyce Bawah Mogtari!

You can scream to the high heavens, travel to hell, weep buckets, tear your clothes into pieces, you and your gullible followers cannot bring down Godfred Dame.

You are barking up the wrong tree nursing the wet thoughts that you have almost succeeded in tainting the Attorney General with your stale propaganda. Expend your energies on something useful, for your attacks on the young, affable legal luminary have come to naught.

You are saying Godfred Dame should resign as Attorney General because your coached Richard Jakpa made a wild allegation against him in court? Dream on, Madam!

You are on a fishing expedition, trying everything humanly possible to sully the unblemished reputation of the young Attorney General who gives you people the jitters.

Godfred Dame has become a nightmarish dream to your likes, hence this venomous hatred towards him. Hate, as we usually say, cannot win. Godfred is too hot for you to handle. It is not his fault that he is this knowledgeable and has the law on his fingertips. He is the man you love to hate.

What you seek to achieve with this evil machination is to prepare the minds of your wet-behind-the-ears supporters that injustice reigned supreme should judgment goes against the accused. You just want to create the impression that the accused, Ato-Forson and co are being persecuted and not prosecuted.

If, in the wisdom of the court, your people are guilty and same is proclaimed, Madam, your threats of violence and mayhem will never be able to change the outcome.

We remember vividly what you people did prior to the incarceration of Tsatsu Tsikata under former President John Agyekum Kufuor. Your Free Tsatsu Movement was never enough to outwit the verdict of the court.

No amount of blackmail, threats of violence and demonstrations can thwart the wheel of justice. Your tears and screams cannot defeat the constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

If this seemingly looming danger is the ingredient informing these calls for the head of Godfred Dame, then it might as well be deemed to be a wasteful attempt at tarnishing his image. Godfred Dame is not leaving his position. He is staying put and see to the end of these ambulances’ case.

If you nurture a flicker of hope that these cacophonous noises can grant you your heart’s desires, then you have been a dreamer for far too long.

You and Alice in Wonderland have the same or similar attributes. The tangential issue you have endorsed is a trip to nowhere. Abandon ship now before it flounders, for your tumultuous noise and devilish agenda have been truncated.

P.K.Sarpong, Whispers from the Corridors of the Thinking Place.

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